
Isaak Delle Due Donne

Dina Van De Donauhoeve

Our females:

Dina Van De Donauhoeve is our eldest female. The leader of the pack!
Ioko Delle Due Donne is the other female who lives with us.
June Van De Donauhoeve is family of our other dogs. She came to us at the age of (almost) 4 years. Due to circumstances she couldn't stay with her previous owner.
We saved her from the shelter. Now she lives parttime in our pack, parttime with Nitro Delle Due Donne.

Dobergaarden Forever Betuna, better known as Diva, lived with June and had to leace as well. She' a very sweet, gentle, elegant Dober. We were able to place her on a farm, living with chicken, donkeys, cats and her loving master Ria.

Here are some of the other females from our kennel:

our females